Aspose.CAD  Cloud Python SDK

Convert CAD DWG, DWF & DXF Drawings via Python

Develop CAD processing applications via Python to convert AutoCAD DWG, DWF & DXF files, scale, rotate, flip and edit drawings.

Get Started

Aspose.CAD Cloud Python SDK enables software developers to create, modify and manipulate CAD drawing without requiring AutoCAD or any software to be installed on their machines. Developers can also easily convert their CAD drawings such as DWG, DWF and DXF to PDF and images formats such as BMP, PNG, JPG, JPEG, JPEG2000, TIF, TIFF, PSD, GIF and many more. It allows programmers to convert the selected layers and layouts from the CAD drawings. Aspose.CAD Cloud Python SDK supports advanced features like scaling CAD drawing, rotating CAD images, getting properties of images, flipping CAD sketches and many more.

Advanced Features for AutoCAD processing

Export existing CAD drawing to other supported formats

Export existing CAD drawing via Request Body

Fetch information regarding CAD image properties

Change the scale of an existing AutoCAD image

Change scale of a CAD image via Body

Rotate and flip the existing CAD image and get via Response

Export AutoCAD DWG File to PDF

AutoCAD DWG, DXF, DWF, DGN, IFC, STL formats Support

Convert CAD drawing to Raster images

Quick & Easy AutoCAD Processing Solution

In order to take benefit from features of Aspose.CAD Cloud Python SDK, you do not need to download or install any software. Simply create an account at Aspose for Cloud and get your application information. Once you have the App SID & key, you are ready to give the Aspose.CAD Cloud Python SDK a try on supported platforms.

Export AutoCAD Drawings to Image Formats

Aspose.CAD Cloud Python SDK provides the capability to export AutoCAD DWG drawings to popular image file formats inside their own applications. SDK supports exporting CAD Drawings to BMP, PNG, JPG, JPEG, JPEG2000, TIF, TIFF, PSD, GIF, PDF and WMF formats. Developers can also convert the selected layers and layouts from the CAD drawings.

Rotate or Flip AutoCAD Drawings

Aspose.CAD Cloud Python SDK enables software developers to load an AutoCAD file and rotate or flip existing images inside their own applications.  The rotate and flip method parameter values could be one of the available values such as Rotate180FlipNone, Rotate180FlipX, Rotate180FlipXY, Rotate180FlipY, Rotate270FlipNone, Rotate90FlipX, Rotate90FlipXY, and several others. The latest version is very stable and robust providing ease for customers to accomplish requirements with fewer code lines.

Adjust AutoCAD Drawing Size

Aspose.CAD Cloud Python SDK enables software developers to adjust the size of drawing according to their own needs inside their own Python applications. You can scale images by automatically adjusting the image size or change the scale of an image from the body.


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